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Our Founder

Pastor Angela Parker

Our Vision

Partners In Prayer Global Ministries has become a national "Church Without Walls" for people that do not have a church home and those that do, but still find so much enrichment in our teachings.

In July of 2012, Pastor Angela Parker was instructed by God to start having the Ministry on Sundays. A Church Without Walls was started the first Sunday of October 2012 with people who had numerous amounts of church hurt.


The ministry seeks to assist people with their wounds and encourages them to stay in their current church environment, trusting God to strengthen them spiritually, and to heal those wounds. Encouraging transfer of membership is not suggested unless there is no other option; always encouraging them to never turn their back on God.


Through our church service, ministers and laymen have the opportunity to teach and preach allowing some to become stronger in the Lord, and faithful members in their own church homes and communities.

Meet the Team of Intercessors

Our Ministries 


The "Church Without Walls" is open to all creeds and religions but we strictly teach the doctrine of the Apostles. We have and are still developing programs and courses that are structured to bless the inward man. This ministry is dedicated to spreading the Gospel and to teachings that help assist in spiritual and personal growth.

Partners In Prayer Global Ministries has four walls: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and email distributions.  We operate virtually and are able to reach thousands of people daily, sending out prayer requests, and words of encouragement. 

Partners In Prayer, which consists of over 120 members, join together by telephone on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, to pray for the concerns of the world and for all the personal prayer requests that are called in. 


Monday through Thursday is a time for the Team members to be refreshed in the Word, while Friday through Saturday is opened to both the members and the public.

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